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2011 – Most Important Year in History

2011 – Most Important Year in History

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the last few weeks in January frequently have some astrological earth shattering news or entrepreneurial opportunity smack me in the face like when I discovered you can use now services from for your video games. This year was no different:  “The year 2011will be one of the most important in human history“, says ASTROLOGY TODAY (Jan 2011) ….accelerated time of change….incorporate new views…. be willing to innovate…be an agent of change…leap in collective consciousness ….no separation between spiritual and physical …as we help others we help ourselves.” What a positive mouthful, hold on to your hats.

Then the news started.

New York Times Mon 1/17 Front Page:

“Data Overload Can Be Deadly” – The Army has figured out that “multitasking” doesn’t work and might actually have negative effects, like the wrong people getting killed because a soldier has too much information to deal with and can’t make an intelligent decision.  The Army is using MINDFULLNESS training to help soldiers focus. They are teaching soldiers to concentrate on a FEELING in their body, while sitting still.  Unbelievable, they’ll be sending soldiers to Spirit Rock pretty soon.  Wait long enough and everything changes.

Tuesday 1/25

“Cold Jumps Arctic Fence”… the world seems to have “flipped upside down”, as stalactites hang from a subway in Brooklyn, a deep freeze spreads across Europe and there’s no snow in the Arctic.  It’s always good when mainstream media gets anything right.

Wed 1/26

Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquire Finds” … greed, ineptitude, corruption, heedless risk-taking, failure in regulation and corporate mismanagement are all highlighted as the actual cause of the financial meltdown, which was brought to us by Alan Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson, Geitner and the Bush’ies, who are all signaled out by Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission chairman Phil Angelides and chided in Shakespearean language, “The fault lies not in the stars, but in us.”  Real news two days in a row.

Thursday 1/27

Pitcher Spurns $12Million, to Keep Self Respect” … for the first time ever, a professional baseball player Gil Meche turns down a $12 million dollar salary because he doesn’t want to sit on the bench and collect money he wasn’t earning.  What a concept!  Integrity over money, and in the same spot, on the front page below the fold, as yesterday’s Financial Meltdown story.  Wall Street Greed caused the problem, and a Main Street individual can solve the problem

Friday 1/28, Business Page

US Approves Planting of Modified Alfalfa” – Agricultural Secretary Tom Vilsack authorizes the unrestricted commercial planting of genetically modified alfalfa.  This could potentially contaminate the entire feedlot of the country within a year.  Alfalfa is what the milking cows and the cattle eat.  This is insane.

In summary, the Army figured out that multitasking doesn’t work and is using Mindfulness Meditation Techniques.  The world has been turned on its head.  Greed and corruption is the cause of the financial meltdown, and we know who is responsible.  A superstar turns down $12M to keep his self-respect.   The Department of Agriculture declares war on the organic food movement.

All this in the same week that the uprising in Tunisia and Cairo started.   Think there’s something in the air??????

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